. · • Limekilns Parish Church - MP3s of the Weekly Services • · .

In case you missed a service for any reason, you can listen on this page to a recording of complete services, from 2022, 2021 usually by 12noon; unless I am away for any reason, You can also listen to complete services from 2020, 2019, 2018 and readings and the sermon from 2017, on the archive page and hear what Norman was saying a few years ago; I may add further years depending on the response?
All recordings are in chronological order.

2025 Services - most recent recording is first

Speakers for 2025:

Date Subject N G Listen
19/01/25 The Generosity of Jesus NG listen
12/01/25 John the Baptiser and Jesus the Saviour NG listen
05/01/25 The Magi Problem NG listen

2024 Services - most recent recording is first

Speakers for 2024:

Date Subject N G Listen
29/12/24 After Christmas NG listen
22/12/24 Advent 4: Shepherds NG listen
15/12/24 Advent 3: Joseph NG listen
08/12/24 Advent 2: Mary NG listen
01/12/24 Advent 1: Preparing the way NG listen
24/11/24 NO TITLE SM listen
17/11/24 ?? ?? listen
10/11/24 Remembrance Sunday 2024 NG listen
03/11/24 Love The Lord Your God! NG listen
27/10/24 Let Us Worship God! NG listen
20/10/24 Questions and Answers NG listen
13/10/24 Earthly Wealth and Heavenly Treasure NG listen
06/10/24 Prayer for Peace NG listen
29/09/24 Harvest Thanksgiving NG listen
22/09/24 The Great and The Good NG listen
15/09/24 Speaking of Communion NG listen
08/09/24 No recording N/A N/A
01/09/24 True Obedience NG listen
25/08/24 Accept One Another NG listen
18/08/24 No recording N/A N/A
11/08/24 Run The Race NG listen
04/08/24 ?? DR listen
28/07/24 Stormy Waters BP listen
21/07/24 ?? ?? listen
14/07/24 ?? SR listen
07/07/24 Barriers to Belief NG listen
30/06/24 Faith Beyond Hope NG listen
23/06/24 The Storms of Life NG listen
16/06/24 Jesus and the Law NG listen
09/06/24 The Storms of Life NG listen
02/06/24 Jesus and the Law NG listen
26/05/24 One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit NG listen
19/05/24 Pentecost NG listen
12/05/24 Jesus: Ascended and Glorified NG listen
05/05/24 Jesus said: Love Stronger than Death NG listen
28/04/24 Jesus said: I am the True Vine NG listen
21/04/24 Jesus said: I am the Good Shepherd NG listen
14/04/24 Believing in the Resurrection NG listen
14/04/24 The Road to... NG listen
31/03/24 The Resurrection NG listen
24/03/24 Jesus: King of Love and Prince of Peace NG listen
17/03/24 The Last Supper NG listen
10/03/24 Betrayal and Blessing NG listen
03/03/24 Jesus the Prophet NG listen
25/02/24 Scouts and Guides Beatitudes NG listen
18/02/24 Hero of the moment NG listen
18/02/24 Servants of God NG listen
04/02/24 There was no service in Limekilns N/A N/A
11/02/24 Servants of God N G listen
21/01/24 The Lord's Table and the Lord's House NG listen
14/01/24 The first Disciples NG listen
07/01/24 New Beginnings NG listen
28/01/24 Life before Death NG listen

2023 Services - most recent recording is first

Speakers for 2023:

Date Subject Name Listen
31/11/23 Hogmanay and Ne'erday N G listen
17/11/23 Living in Love N G listen
17/11/23 9 Lessons and carols N/A listen
17/11/23 Living in Joy N G listen
10/12/23 Living in peace N G listen
26/11/23 Christ the King N G listen
19/11/23 Rights and Wrongs N G listen
12/11/23 Remembrance Sunday N G listen
05/11/23 Saints and sinners N G listen
29/10/23 The law of love N G listen
22/10/23 Talk 1: I'm not ignoring you - talk 2:? S P - K M listen
08/10/23 Harvest, apologies No recording was made in church! This was from you tube N G listen
01/10/23 Prophet, Priest and King N G listen
01/10/23 Service from Tulliallan N G Mp4
24/09/23 Pearls of Wisdom N G listen
17/09/23 Invitation to the Lord's Table N G listen
10/09/23 The little ones of the Kingdom N G listen
03/09/23 Moses, Peter and Me N G listen
27/08/23 Who do you say I am? N G listen
20/08/23 The earth is the Lord's N G listen
13/08/23 Strong in the Faith N G listen
06/08/23 Using what we have N G listen
30/07/23 The contradictions of Faith N G listen
23/07/23 Change Sandra & Marcia listen
16/07/23 United we stand: Divided? K M listen
09/07/23 Praise service N G listen
02/07/23 The Lord bless you and keep you N G listen
25/06/23 This recording isn't of the usual quality N G listen
18/06/23 The Lord's Table N G listen
11/06/23 Talk 1: Christmas 365 - talk 2 - The Jesus party N G listen
04/06/23 The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit N G listen
28/05/23 Pentecost: Are you Ready N G listen
21/05/23 Ascension: Earth to Heaven N G listen
14/05/23 Resurrection People: Peter N G listen
07/05/23 Coronation and Nation N G listen
30/04/23 Resurrection people: Thomas N G listen
23/04/23 Resurrection people; Cleopas and Friend N G listen
16/04/23 Resurrection people: Mary Magdalene N G listen
09/04/23 The Resurrection N G listen
02/04/23 Palm Sunday: The Lord is King N G listen
26/03/23 Fault and Forgiveness N G listen
19/03/23 Contagious Holiness N G listen
05/03/23 God so loved the world... N G listen
26/02/23 Our World, Our Future N G listen
19/02/23 Moutain high Valley low N G listen
12/02/23 Little Things E S listen
05/02/23 Your Kingdom Come N G listen
29/01/23 The Kingdom of Heaven N G listen
22/01/23 Jesus: Words, Actions and Disciples N G listen
15/01/23 One Faith, One Church, One Lord N G listen
08/01/23 Finding time for Hallelujahs N G listen
01/01/23 New Year: What Next? N G listen

2022 Services - most recent recording is first

Speakers for 2022:

Date Subject Name Listen
18/12/22 Finding Time This Christmas: 4 Time to Make Room N G listen
11/12/22 Finding Time This Christmas: 3 Time to Share Love N G listen
04/12/22 Finding Time This Christmas: 2 Time for Stillness N G listen
27/11/22 Finding Time This Christmas: 1 Time and Peace N G listen
20/11/22 Christ the King N G listen
13/11/22 Remembrance Sunday N G listen
06/11/22 A Taxing question N G listen
30/10/22 Sin and Salvation N G listen
23/10/22 In the strength of God R N listen
16/10/22 Chosen by God R N listen
09/10/22 God's Word is not Chained N G listen
02/10/22 Harvest and Thanksgiving N G listen
25/09/22 Lost and Found N G listen
18/08/22 Jesus: the Servant King N G listen
11/09/22 The Promise of Service N G listen
04/09/22 How on Earth? K M listen
28/08/22 And God saw that it was good N G listen
21/08/22 God's House, the gate of Heaven N G listen
14/08/22 And God saw that it was good N G listen
07/08/22 A Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood N G listen
31/07/22 Money, money, money! N G listen
24/07/22 And what about the Third act Declaratory K M listen
17/07/22 If there is a time for everything, there is a time for Jesus R N listen
10/07/22 Shake the dust off your feet S M listen
03/07/22 Doing Good to All N G listen
26/06/22 The Cost of Discipleship N G listen
19/06/22 Jesus: the living bread N G listen
12/06/22 One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit N G listen
05/06/22 Come on and Celebrate N G listen
29/05/22 Unity in Love N G listen
22/05/22 Spritual Gifts N G listen
15/05/22 Love One Another N G listen
08/05/22 We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ N G listen
01/05/22 Can we start again please N G listen
24/04/22 Certainty and Faith N G listen
17/04/22 The Resurrection! N G listen
10/04/22 King of Kings: Lord of Lords N G listen
03/04/22 Your Kingdom Come N G listen
27/03/22 Mothering Sunday L S listen
20/03/22 An earthly feast and a heavenly banquet N G listen
13/03/22 This service was not recorded N/A N/A
06/03/22 All downhill from here N G listen
27/02/22 Our world and us N G listen
20/02/22 God is Love N G listen
13/02/22 Love your enemy N G listen
06/02/22 Jesus and Nicodemus N G listen
30/01/22 Living Love N G listen
23/01/22 Push! P S listen
16/01/22 The Transforming Power of God N G listen
09/01/22 John the Baptist and Jesus N G listen
02/01/22 New Year: living in hope N G listen

2021 Services - most recent recording is first - Skip to top of page

Speakers for 2021:

Date Subject Name Listen
26/12/21 Boxing Day: Giving and Shopping N G listen
24/12/21 Watchnight N G listen
19/12/21 Grace on Grace N G listen
12/12/21 A Saviour for All N G listen
05/12/21 Positive People N G listen
28/11/21 Righteousness and Justice N G listen
21/11/21 Jesus: King of kings N G listen
14/11/21 Remembrance Sunday N G listen
07/11/21 Jesus: on power and wealth N G listen
31/10/21 What On Earth Are We Doing? N G listen
24/10/21 We believe in the Holy Spirit N G listen
17/10/21 I believe in Jesus N G listen
10/10/21 We believe in God the Father N G listen
03/10/21 Receiving and giving N G listen
26/09/21 Creation and The Cross M McD listen
19/09/21 The Lord's table N G listen
12/09/21 Following Jesus N G listen
05/09/21 You are the body of Christ N G listen
29/08/21 Life in all it's fullness N G listen
22/08/21 Be strong in the Lord N G listen
15/08/21 God and Creation N G listen
08/08/21 God and Money N G listen
01/08/21 Prepared for Service N G listen
25/07/21 Who makes the desert to live again? M McD listen
18/07/21 There and back again K M listen
11/07/21 No recording was forthcoming N/A N/A
04/07/21 The Highs and Lows of Faith N G listen
20/06/21 Giving and Receiving N G listen
20/06/21 Eternal Longing N G listen
13/06/21 God's Treasure Chest N G listen
06/06/21 God of all comfort N G listen
30/05/21 Elder Led service N G listen
23/05/21 Pentecost N G listen
16/05/21 Ascension N G listen
09/05/21 Love is...? N G listen
02/05/21 I am the True Vine N G listen
25/04/21 The Good Shepherd N G listen
18/04/21 The prayers of Jesus; words from the cross N G listen
11/04/21 Reflecting on 2020: challenges faced and prayers answered N G listen
04/04/21 The Resurrection N G listen
28/03/21 Palm Branch to Olive Grove N G listen
21/03/21 Prayers of Jesus: Jesus' farewell prayer N G listen
14/03/21 Prayers of Jesus: The hour has come N G listen
07/03/21 Prayers of Jesus: Jesus and Lazarus N G listen
28/02/21 Prayers of Jesus: The Lord's Prayer N G listen
21/02/21 Thinking / Founder's Day N G listen
14/02/21 Poverty and Love in action J F listen
07/02/21 When I'm Tired and Weary N G listen
31/01/21 Real strength in love N G listen
24/01/21 Pride and Prejudice N G listen
17/01/21 One Church, One Faith, One Lord N G listen
10/01/21 In times of trouble N G listen
03/01/21 New Year: Back to the Future N G listen